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International Congresses on Education 2019

Sakarya / Turkey    19-22 June / 2019

Paper Submission

To submit your paper please use the platform provided. You need to sign up prior to using the platform.

Create User Account

At first participants should upload their abstracts (in .doc or .docx file format). All abstracts submitted to congress undergo blind review process by at least two anonymous reviewers. The reviewers are chosen from the scientific committee. Typically, the field coordinators will seek reviewers’ feedback before considering your submission for acceptance. In that case, the field coordinator will wait until he/she receives all reviewer comments on your submission. The field coordinator will then e-mail you directly with a decision. The proceedings are accepted according to the abstracts you have uploaded. Until the congress you can upload your full paper(s). Meanwhile, you have opportunity to revise your proceeding according to feedbacks that you will take in the congress. Therefore, full paper submission deadline was set at a date after the congress (10 July 2019).


The abstracts sent should include both short and long abstracts of your study. Please provide both short and long abstracts in the same MS Word file in DOC or DOCX format.

Short Abstract

The short abstracts should include minimum 100 words and maximum 150 words. Moreover, keywords (4-6 keywords) need to be added at the end of the abstract.

Long Abstract

Long abstract should fallow the short abstract and needs to include the topic and the problem, significance of the study, the objective and the methods used in the research, results and a short discussion/conclusion. The abstracts should include minimum 500 words and maximum 700 words.

Create User Account

NOTE!!!: Selected proceedings in ERPA Congresses on Education 2019 will be sent to the journal of SHS Web of Conferences for publication (if the authors request and pay the publication fee for each proceeding). ERPA 2015, ERPA 2016, ERPA2017 and ERPA 2018 issues that are published in SHS Web of Conferences have already indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge. These proceedings should be well-written in terms of language use (the language of proceedings is English) and should be 5 to 8 pages in length. Meanwhile, a maximum of two articles per author and per volume of SHS Web of Conferences is accepted.


ERPA 2019-SHS Web of Conferences Issue

Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure to inform you that selected full texts presented in ERPA 2019 have been published in SHS Web of Conferences. 

ERPA 2019 FULLTEXT (SHS Web of Conferences)


Date of Announcement:   2019-09-24

ERPA 2019 Book of Proceedings

For the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2019 Book of Proceedings please click here.

Date of Announcement:   2019-08-08

Publication Choice

Dear ERPA 2019 Participants,

Please indicate your full text publication choice till July 10, 2019 to congress e-mail address ( with the document ID number as the document name.

The full text publication options are;

  • E-Book of Proceedings with ISBN number
  • SHS Web of Conferences
  • Sponsoring Journals


Date of Announcement:   2019-07-01

ERPA 2019 Book of Abstracts

For the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2019 Book of Abstracts please click here.

Date of Announcement:   2019-08-21

Congress Photographs

Dear Participants,

You can reach the congress photographs from instagram and facebook accounts of ERPA.

Best regards,

Organizing committee


Date of Announcement:   2019-06-24

Detailed Congress Programmes

Detailed Congress Programmes of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2019 is available. You can reach from the links provided below.

Date of Announcement:   2019-06-17

New Template For Single Oral Presentation

For Single Oral Presentation template please click here.

Date of Announcement:   2019-06-08

Fonksiyonel Fitness Eğitmenliği Kursu [European Fitness And Wellness Academy (EFWA) onaylı]

EFWA tarafından ERPA Uluslarasası Eğitim Kongreleri kapsamında 20-21 Haziran 2019 tarihlerinde iki günlük bir program şeklinde Sakarya Kongre Kültür Merkezinde Fonksiyonel Fitness Eğitmenlik Kursu gerçekleştirlecektir. Kontenjamız 120 kişi ile sınırlıdır. Eğitime katılmak isteyen kursiyerler e-posta adresine mail göndererek kaytılarını yaptırabilirler. Ayrınıtlı bilgiye web sitesindeki sol menüde yer alan Fitness Training sekmesinden ulaşabilirsiniz.

Date of Announcement:   2019-05-14

Message from General Coordinator

Dear Colleagues,

It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you to the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2019 to be held in Sakarya from 19 to 22 June 2019.Sakarya University is proud to host the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2019. 

I look forward to meeting you in Sakarya/Turkey,

With kind regards,

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ercan MASAL

General Coordinator of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2019

Date of Announcement:   2018-12-07
